Citywide Real time Heatmap Generation | Research paper published on ijirt Journal Volume 6 Issue 12

Citywide Real time Heatmap Generation | Research paper published on ijirt Journal Volume 6 Issue 12

Published by

Prof. Varsha Dange, Amol Pawar, Sagar Bhandge, Siddharth Prajapati, Riya Daryanani, Vaishnavi Javalkar
The premise is to collect the numerical subjective data produced by individual end users, the device’s location, as well as universal data such as Time of the year, time of the day, and apply a machine learning predictive algorithm to generate a heatmap overlapping the city or any other geographical entity simulating a predictive threat/safety level of a given area or route. Based on the data provided to the algorithm, the algorithm can suggest statistically safest routes for travelling as well as visualize the route onto the map.

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